The animated film Rango has been praised for its level of detail and fun plot. In it, a chameleon stranded in the desert must investigate a mysterious drought affecting a town of reptiles. Johnny Depp voices the title character, teaming up again with director Gore Verbinski (the Pirates of the Caribbean series). The result is an ambitious project: large in scope, visually inventive and full of surprises for all, especially fans of Chinatown and Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns starring Clint Eastwood.
FUN FACT: Industrial Light and Magic’s animation division produced Rango.
Available on Blu-ray, Netflix and the iTunes Store. This review first appeared on the Revista U website. Click here for the original article (in Spanish).
Movie title: Rango
Movie description: An ambitious project full of surprises for all, especially fans of Sergio Leone.
Date published: 2011-04-10
Director(s): Gore Verbinski
Actor(s): Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Ned Beatty, Bill Nighy, Stephen Root, Ray Winstone, Alfred Molina, Harry Dean Stanton, Abigail Breslin, Timothy Olyphant
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy