A serviceable horror entry that nevertheless fails to reach the heights of insanity its plot hints at from the start
By Emilio Gómez
‘The Invisible Man’: Timely Paranoia
Exceptional genre cinema with a female perspective that works even better when filtered through the lens of a global pandemic
Apple’s Five Biggest iPhone Blunders
My pet peeves with the company that makes the smartphone I use, which I still love regardless
‘Avengers: Endgame’ (Never Before, Never Again)
An impressive achievement in blockbuster storytelling, 11 years in the making, that may never occur again in cinema
‘Captain Marvel’: Bechdel Approved
Marvel Studios' first-ever female-centric film mixes action and humor with a well-earned dose of empowerment
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (A Spidey for Every Taste)
A welcome change of pace for Spider-Man films that captivates with its frenetic visual style and wacky sense of humor
‘Avengers: Infinity War’: A Full House
A massive cinematic card trick that pays off ten years of Marvel Studios fandom while leaving audiences desperate for more
Play ‘Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb’ Like on an XBox Console
Tips for adding a 15-year-old non-Steam game to your Library, as well as tweak it for modern PC's, screens and controllers
‘The Last Jedi’: A Red Stocking Full of Awe
A worthy entry to the 'Star Wars' canon that dares to break new ground and play with our expectations, all while balancing drama and levity
How the Apple Special Event and the iPhone X Restored my Faith
A recap of the iPhone X launch, as well as all other products unveiled during the Apple Special Event 2017